Sonntag, 27. März 2022

Help Ukraine

Dear crypto community, you are awesome! We are grateful for such a massive support.
Every donation matters. Our Crypto Fund has just reached $60 mln.
Cryptocurrencies do real impact.

Stand with the people of Ukraine. Now accepting cryptocurrency donations. Bitcoin, Ethereum and USDT.

BTC - 357a3SZjH14vQFmqBfJotrb6iFEs9Hgnyt

ETH and USDT (ERC-20) - 0x165CAdE0623191863e59FC6bEC71b1a2aF9979E8
Tether (TRC-20) - TEF4MKq33Me8SfSUBX5U79Y13HdjnZq8WQ

The initiative is powered by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Read More on How Ukraine embraced cryptocurrencies in response to war
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More cryptocurrencies are accepted on the Official page

The people of Ukraine are grateful for the support and donations from the global crypto community as we protect our freedom.
We are now accepting Polkadot and Litecoin donations too:

$DOT: 1x8aa2N2Ar9SQweJv9vsuZn3WYDHu7gMQu1RePjZuBe33Hv

Every Crypto Counts.

This will certainly contribute to the Ukrainian victory as well as support civil people. We will win — the best people with us.

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